In The News
The Value of Powering and Protecting Tech Throughout the Home
The Value of Powering and Protecting Tech Throughout the Home Why iST in Kalamazoo and Ann Arbor, MI relies on Torus Power isolation transformers to ensure optimal performance for an unparalleled AV demo in an elaborate multi-functional show home. A show home often serves as a platform to showcase the possibilities of cutting-edge technology. However, Troy Cuvelier, president of Integrated...

Powering and Protecting the Elliston Systems & Design Experience Center
How Torus Power plays a key role in a prominent Dallas design district technology showroom Elliston Systems & Design is known for implementing sophisticated technology solutions that blend seamlessly with design. Set in the design district of Dallas and surrounded by upscale galleries and shops, its recently constructed 3,500-sq.-ft. Experience Center is one of the best examples of how...

Florida Integrator Leans on Torus Power to Mitigate Persistent Power Problems
Millennium Systems Design of Orlando, FL discusses their use of Toroidal Isolation transformer Power Transformers by Torus Power

Minimizing Noise and Harmonics at the Source Through Proper Power Management
BY CEPro Torus Power recommends that dealers present power isolation and protection products as part of their initial bids, along with other standard system components.Noise and harmonics on a home’s electrical lines are pervasive and can be detrimental to the lifespan and performance of sensitive electronic equipment. Often you can’t see or hear these electrical disturbances, but there’s one...

November 2023 Torus Power News
Torus Power AVR ELITE 15 receives prestigious DIAMOND AWARD in AudioKey Reviews "Best of the Year 2023" list "When a component brilliantly does what it was designed to do and gets out of the way to let all the other performers – components – shine, well, it deserves an award." For more, please see page 182 here: THE AUDIOKEY REVIEWS! MAGAZINE - NOVEMBER 2023 - ISSUE 13 For advice on...

New Tech Week: Properly Powering and Protecting dvLED Video Walls
What you need to know to get – and keep – the best performance possible. BY KEVIN MAIN, TORUS POWER LED video walls have taken consumer electronics industry by storm, offering systems integrators an exciting alternative to conventional projection systems in home cinemas and media rooms, as well as myriad commercial applications. Their sleek, modern aesthetic and rendering of bright, vivid,...

Electrifying Audio: Designing Audiophile Systems from the Electrical System Up
Rex Hungerford of Kingrex Electric has a vibrant business helping people fix their electrical problems so they can ultimately have a better, more emotionally connected, music experience. Over the years, we’ve seen a lot of different business models for AV systems integrators. But we’ve never met one quite like Rex Hungerford of Kingrex Electric, who puts the focus on the electrical...

Home Theater With Largest Residential DPI LED Video Wall in US
Two installation firms create an epic home theater with a 324-tile LED video wall, $500K worth of video equipment, 200-amps of protected power, and 9.4.4 channels of Dolby Atmos surround in this Arizona home. When passion overtakes practicality, big things can happen. In the case of this Paradise Valley, Arizona, home, really big things happened in the form of a massive 246-inch (18x10 foot)...

Torus Power Announcement
Announcement June 1, 2021 We are pleased to announce that on July 1, 2021, Torus Power Inc. will be purchasing materials, supplies and manufacturing equipment from Plitron Manufacturing Inc. and upgrading the current manufacturing and assembly facility located at 601 Magnetic Drive, Unit # 15, Toronto. This location will become the new head office and manufacturing/assembly facility for...

To ensure that every audio, video and control component would receive clean, protected power, CSN Teknik recently installed six Torus Power RM 16 Power Conditioners into a newly built home theatre in Moscow. All it takes is one electrical surge or spike to damage a piece of home theatre equipment. This threat is very real in Russia, where most of the country is fed by a single electrical grid....

Why Dennis Erskine Turned to Torus to Power the CEDIA HQ Reference Home Theater
Erskine Group uses custom Torus Power all-in-one isolation transformer to convert 480V 3-phase industrial power into 120V to protect high-performance gear in the new CEDIA Reference Theater. CE Pro Editors · July 22, 2019 - Reprinted from CEDIA Website When CEDIA decided to put a reference home theater inside its new headquarters, which also houses a state-of-the-art experience...

Howard Gladstone, CEO of Torus Power, Wrote a Folk Album: Industry’s Got Talent
Influenced by 1960s folk music, Howard Gladstone, CEO of Torus Power, combines his passions, including commercial releases of his own music. It’s great when someone can combine their work and their hobbies. Howard Gladstone, founder and CEO of Torus Power, is just one of those lucky people. Gladstone, a lifelong musician who also developed a line of toroidal-based power conditioning products for...

Torus Power Isolation Transformers Power and Protect AV Components for Optimal Audio and Video Performance at HIGH-END Munich 2019
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE | DOWNLOAD IMAGES HERE | HIGH-END Munich Hall 1, Booth A18 Torus Power presents the AVR and RM Series toroidal isolation transformers, delivering clean, uninterrupted power and improved performance quality for today’s high-resolution AV systems Toronto, ON, Canada (May 6, 2019) Torus Power, maker of uncompromising, clean, isolation-transformer-based power components,...

In the Studio with Luca Pretolesi Featured in Jan 2019 Mix Magazine
Luca Pretolesi of Studio DMI and Torus Power are featured in the Jan. 2019 issue of Mix magazine. Luca Pretolesi, one the most talented producers/engineers in all of dance music, has created quite a space for himself at Studio DMI (Study of Digital Music Innovation) in Las Vegas. Its where his collaborations begin with the likes of Diplo/Major Lazer, DVBBS, Borgeous, Gareth Emery, Jason Derulo,...

Torus Power Isolation Transformers Deliver Optimal Power and Protection for Unparalleled Quality in AV Systems at ISE 2019
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE | DOWNLOAD IMAGES HERE ISE Booth #1-Q115 AV EMEA Torus Power Isolation Transformers Deliver Optimal Power and Protection for Unparalleled Quality in AV Systems at ISE 2019 At ISE 2019, Torus Power’s will showcase toroidal isolation transformers that deliver clean, uninterrupted power for today’s high-resolution residential and commercial AV systems...

Torus Power Isolation Transformers Provide Significant Performance Benefits for Commercial AV Systems
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE | DOWNLOAD IMAGE HERE InfoComm Booth #N2834 Torus Power’s InfoComm exhibit will showcase the dramatic improvement a stable power foundation can make in AV systems of all sizes Toronto, ON, Canada (May 2018) Torus Power will showcase the performance benefits toroidal isolation brings to commercial applications during InfoComm 2018, taking place June 6–8 at the Las Vegas...

Torus Power Targets Midrange Market with New POWERBLOCK Isolation Transformers
InfoComm Booth #N2834 - Versatile, lightweight POWERBLOCK lineup showcases significant benefits of a stable, clean power foundation for small and mid-sized commercial AV systems Toronto, ON, Canada (May 2018) Torus Power, maker of uncompromising, clean, isolation transformer-based power components for AV systems, will unveil a its new POWERBLOCK (PB) Series of toroidal isolation transformers at...

Torus Power to Showcase AVR Technology with Request Audio at Munich High End Show
Request Audio to feature AVR16 CE and TOT AVR toroidal isolation transformers with Automatic Voltage Regulation technology at trade show presented by the High End Society Toronto, Ontario, Canada—May 9, 2017– Torus Power, maker of uncompromising, clean, isolation transformer-based power components, will showcase its AVR16 CE and TOT AVR toroidal isolation transformers in the ReQuest Audio demo,...

MSB Technology installs a wall-mounted isolation transformer in its stylish new demo facility in Antwerp, Belgium, enhancing the performance of the high-end reference audio products
MSB Technology installs a wall-mounted isolation transformer in its stylish new demo facility in Antwerp, Belgium, enhancing the performance of the high-end reference audio products Toronto, Ontario, Canada—May 4, 2017– Torus Power, maker of uncompromising, clean, isolation transformer-based power components, has been chosen to deliver clean and stable power to the new demo facility for MSB...

Power Conditioner of the Year
Torus Power TOT AVR The Torus Power TOT AVR power conditioner is a very well engineered huge toroidal transformer built into a solid chassis. It can power up to three 4A devices and has three sets of three-pin 13A sockets for UK users. It can be controlled by a RS232 link, and looks and sounds more than good enough to be used as a standalone power conditioner for small-to-medium sized audio...
Torus Power Spins Off from Plitron Manufacturing
Transformer-based power product maker Torus Power has incorporated as a standalone business and is now operating as an autonomous entity, independent from parent company Plitron Manufacturing, Inc. Kevin Main named president and COO. Reprinted from CE Pro - Jason Knott · February 23, 2016 - Torus Power, maker of isolation transformer-based power components, announced it has incorporated as a...

Torus Power to Become Independent Business Entity
With an expanded focus on its global offering, Torus Power rebrands company, changes trade name, and promotes key personnel Toronto, ON, Canada —February 23, 2016 — Torus Power, maker of uncompromising, clean, isolation transformer-based power components announced that it has incorporated as a standalone business and is now operating as an autonomous entity, independent from parent company...

Torus Power Shows Flagship RM Series Isolation Transformers at ISE 2016
Delivering Tangible Results that Can Be Seen And Heard, Torus Power RM Series Provides Pure, Clean Power to High Performance Audio & Video Systems Toronto, ON, Canada & Amsterdam, NL —(ISE, stand #5-R128)—February 3, 2016 – Torus Power, maker of uncompromising, clean, isolation transformer-based power components, announced today that it will be once again showcasing its RM Series of...

Torus Power Debuts TOT AVR Series Toroidal Isolation Transformers at ISE 2016
The Acclaimed TOT Line of Compact Power Isolation Transformers Now Features Automatic Voltage Regulation and New Lower Price Point Toronto, ON, Canada & Amsterdam, NL—(ISE, stand #5-R128)—February 1, 2016 – Torus Power, maker of uncompromising, clean, isolation transformer-based power components announced it will debut its new TOT AVR Series of toroidal isolation power transformers at...

Torus Power TOT AVR Takes Home BEST Award at CEDIA Expo 2015
Compact isolation transformers feature automatic voltage regulation and new lower price point, win CE Pro BEST Award and receive industry accolades. Toronto, ON, Canada — October 28, 2015 – Torus Power, maker of uncompromising, clean, isolation transformer-based power components, is proud to announce that its new TOT AVR toroidal isolation power transformer has received a coveted CE Pro Best...

Torus Power Shows Flagship RM Series at CEDIA 2015
Delivering Tangible Results that Can Be Seen And Heard, Torus Power RM Series Provides Pure, Clean Power to Audiophile and Two-Channel Systems Toronto, ON, Canada & Dallas, TX—(CEDIA Expo Booth #7024)—October 7, 2015 – Torus Power, maker of uncompromising, clean, isolation transformer-based power components, announced today that it will be once again showcasing its RM Series of...

Torus Power Launches TOT AVR Series at CEDIA Expo 2015
The Acclaimed TOT Line of Compact Power Transformers Now Features Automatic Voltage Regulation and New Lower Price Point Toronto, ON, Canada — October 5, 2015 Torus Power, maker of uncompromising, clean, isolation transformer-based power components announced its new TOT AVR Series of toroidal isolation power transformers today, including models for use in North America (TOT AVR), Continental...

Torus Power’s Wall Mount Isolation Transformers
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ideal for Large-Scale Audio/Video, Home Theater and Automation Installations, the WM Series Delivers Powerful Flexibility and Performance Toronto, ON, Canada & Dallas, TX — (CEDIA Expo, Booth #7024)—October 7, 2015—Torus Power, maker of uncompromising, clean, isolation transformer-based power components, will be showing its Wall Mount (WM) line of isolation...

Torus Power Shows Flagship RM Series at CEDIA 2015
Delivering Tangible Results that Can Be Seen And Heard, Torus Power RM Series Provides Pure, Clean Power to Audiophile and Two-Channel Systems Toronto, ON, Canada & Dallas, TX—(CEDIA Expo Booth #7024)—October 7, 2015 – Torus Power, maker of uncompromising, clean, isolation transformer-based power components, announced today that it will be once again showcasing its RM Series of...

Torus Power Transforms Issues into Improvements
Robert Archer, Oct 2015, CE Pro Quality power products like the Torus Power AVR 20 can provide the greatest system improvements, next to addressing a room's acoustical design.

Electric Bass Virtuoso and Audiophile Dean Peer to Play CEDIA Expo
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE All are invited to hear the pure sound of Peer’s live acoustic stylings through a Torus Power AVR2 Toroidal Isolation Power Transformer on October 16, 2015. Toronto, ON, Canada & Dallas, TX (CEDIA Expo, Booth #7024)– September 30, 2015 – Torus Power, maker of uncompromising, clean, toroidal isolation transformer power components, announced today that electric...

Torus Power at 12th Annual Rocky Mountain Audio Fest Exhibitors
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Torus Power® Toroidal Isolation Transformers Power and Protect 12th Annual Rocky Mountain Audio Fest Exhibitors. Torus Power serves as power foundation for Burmeister, Metronome Technologie, and JRiver Demonstrations TORONTO, ON, CANADA – (September 30, 2015) – Torus Power, maker of uncompromising, clean, toroidal isolation transformer-based power components announced today...
Torus Power® Appoints Northmar Inc. and Fielder Marketing
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AV rep firm to educate, inform, and amplify residential sales initiatives for Torus Power Toroidal Isolation transformer dealers TORONTO, ON, CANADA – (June 11, 2015) – Torus Power, a subsidiary of Plitron Manufacturing and maker of uncompromising, clean, isolation transformer–based power transformers, announced today that it has signed Northmar Inc. to represent the company’s residential audio-video business in the Pacific Northwest territory, including Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington, and Fielder Marketing to represent the line in Northern California and Northern Nevada …

The Electric Kool-Aid CABLE TEST
Do audiophile cables and power conditioners make a difference? BY GORDON BROCKHOUSE I DON’T IMAGINE WiFi HiFi Publisher John Thomson realized he was setting off a firestorm a few weeks ago when he posed the question “Do Cables Matter?” in his weekly newsletter. [gview file=""...

Torus Power’s Toroidal Isolation Power Conditioning Products at ISE 2015
Integration professionals and end users observe significant AV system performance improvements when implementing Torus Power products By CE Pro Editors, February 09, 2015 - TORONTO, ON, CANADA (ISE 2015 Stand #5-R128) – Torus Power, a subsidiary of Plitron Manufacturing and maker of uncompromising, clean, toroidal isolation power conditioning components, will showcase its lineup for...

Torus Power Stays Focused on High End
Torus Power's $4,495 AVR 20 power conditioner uses a toroidal transformer to isolate the current, reduce the noise and suppress surges for large multi-rack By Jason Knott, September 19, 2014 - Torus Power’s Kevin Main says the two best ways to demo a high-end power protection device are to conduct a demo and point out the audible difference from filtering the noise, and to conduct a week-liong...
Torus Power Appoints Four New Canadian Sales Representative Agencies
TORONTO, ON, CANADA - AUGUST 19, 2014 - Torus Power, a subsidiary of Plitron Manufacturing and maker of uncompromising, clean, isolation transformer-based power components, announced today that it has appointed four new Canadian representatives in the Ontario, Quebec, British Columbia, and Alberta territories. Known for its power components that isolate the AV system, Torus Power products are...
Torus ‘Power Hour + Seminar at CEDIA EXPO – Sept 12, 2014
Course Description: Torus Power Hour: Grounding power for high-end, high-performance installations.What you need to know to properly power, protect, and preserve electronics. All-star panelists Dennis Erskine, Anthony Grimani, and Arthur Kelm share best practices, followed by a technology overview of key success factor …

Torus Power’s Howard Gladstone Addresses Common Misconceptions of Power Management Products
Reprinted from Residential Systems written by Jeremy J. Glowack, published June 5, 2014 Torus Power Products, which are designed and manufactured by Plitron Manufacturing in Toronto, Canada, provide power management solutions for audio and AV systems, from 5 amps up to 100 amps, in a variety of packaging choices, including balanced input (2 x 120V) custom installation models for dedicated whole...

Introducing the new TOT series
The TOT series expands the Torus Power lineup to include two affordable models that deliver highly effective power conditioning. The TOT series employs Plitron’s NBT noise filtering technology to restore incoming power to its clean original state. Plitron toroidal isolation transformers provide the ultimate in noise attenuation and isolation giving you high-quality sound and picture regardless...

Torus Power RM 15 Plus Isolation Transformer
Today's review dear friends, is of the Torus Power RM-15 Plus power isolation transformer. It utilizes a unique toroidal transformer specifically designed for audio and video purposes by a company called Plitron Manufacturing. The Torus is the fifth isolation transformer unit that I have used and is clearly the best though many of those other transformers were used years ago. My unit was...

Are you looking for the next level of power conditioning performance? The latest software from Crestron offers computer interface control, monitoring, and adjustment of the Torus Power modules AVR/AVR2 via the RS232 interface. Torus Power is pleased to announce that immediate availability of the CRESTRON module for Torus’ popular AVR and AVR2 series power conditioners. The Torus Power unit...

Torus Power included in Editor’s Choice Virtual System – CES Jan 2013
Virtual System 1: Rockport Technologies, Ayre Acoustics, Aurender, Hegel, Calyx, Torus Power, Nordost. Some of the best systems at CES are those not assembled -- they're virtual systems. In other words, combinations of components that I've created based on the hottest products at CES. Although the sound of these setups is purely speculation, the quality of components is not. This is one I think...

CES 2013 – January 8 Product Coverage
Canada’s Torus Power showed the AVR 15 Plus ($4195) power conditioner, which is designed to provide maximum current from a standard 15A wall outlet. This 77-pound unit is available with rack-mount faceplate or without, in either silver or black finishes.

The Best I’ve Heard
Reprinted from Stereo Times, November 2012 by Written by Norm Luttbeg - Today's review dear friends, is of the Torus Power RM-15 Plus power isolation transformer. It utilizes a unique toroidal transformer specifically designed for audio and video purposes by a company called Plitron Manufacturing. The Torus is the fifth isolation transformer unit that I have used and is clearly the best though...

Quo Vadis TWBAS? (The World’s Best Audio System)
An enticing prelude For me, The World’s Best Audio System 2012 began when I met Howard Gladstone, president and CEO of Plitron Manufacturing, parent company of Torus Power, who was responsible for supplying power-conditioning equipment for the megasystem. We became instant friends, exchanging pleasantries as we traveled for 20 minutes in the courtesy shuttle from ILM airport to the Holiday Inn...

The World’s Best Audio System Includes Torus – 2012: Commitment, Passion, Camaraderie
Reprinted from Ultra Sound Stage Plus, Written by Peter Roth - At this point, The World’s Best Audio System 2012 has been well documented. Nevertheless, having just spent three jam-packed days flying from Los Angeles to North Carolina and back for a engaging and engrossing Saturday “happening,” I’m happy to share some of my impressions. Commitment. On reflection, I remain amazed by...

The World’s Best Audio System
TWBAS 2012 – NORTH CAROLINA, USA, Written by Jeff Fritz THE SOUND This is what it’s all about. Dialed in. Warmed up. Ultra tweaked. Here’s what I heard. The first thing I noticed was the black-hole backdrop. The system sounded off when it was on . . . that is, before the music started. Some in the group surmised that the Torus Power units were lowering the noise floor of the...

The Worlds Best Audio System 2012: Why I Chose These Components
By now you know which components comprise TWBAS 2012, which means it’s time for me to tell you why I chose them. This is the potentially controversial part — the part where you learn about my decision-making process, and what differentiates these products from the pack. But before I tell you why I chose each particular product, I should tell you what criteria I baTWBAS 2012sed my choices on....

Torus Power WM100 BAL and RM 20 AVR Power Conditioners
It all starts at the wall. How many times have you heard that? It means, of course, that the sound you hear coming from your speakers will have been greatly influenced — positively or negatively — by your home’s AC power before there is even a musical signal to be reproduced. I think there’s little debate these days regarding the efficacy of clean power for high-end audio systems. But there’s...

Torus Power Introduces New Power Conditioning and Isolation Products
CEDIA US Expo 2011 - Torus Power standard features include: complete electrical isolation using toroidal transformers, noise filtration, surge suppression, and voltage reduction. Torus Power products are divided into two main categories: Torus Power’s Custom Installation Series have become a staple component for high end audio video custom integration systems. Torus Power...

Torus Power Introduces New Power Conditioning and Isolation Products
CEDIA US Expo 2011 - Torus Power standard features include: complete electrical isolation using toroidal transformers, noise filtration, surge suppression, and voltage reduction. Torus Power’s Custom Installation Series have become a staple component for high end audio video custom integration systems. Torus Power conditioners utilize toroidal isolation transformers and provide lower impedance...

Torus Power WM 60 BAL AVR Power Conditioner Preview
Reprinted From Audioholics Dec 20, 2010 - Torus Power will be introducing a new product at CES, the WM 60 BAL AVR. This is a 60-amp wall mount power conditioner designed for the custom installation market, to provide complete isolation, surge protection, automatic voltage regulation (AVR), and improved audio/video performance for the entire system. The WM 60 BAL AVR provides total isolation...